Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's been a while...

I don't know where to begin exactly. But I will try.

Life has been good, my walk has been great. Besides the past week. I've been hit hard by my many struggles.

Something I have always struggled with Pride, and as time goes by it gets worse and worse. As a way to grow in my relationship with God, I try to not only read and study my Bible, but to also read and study books by other people. But as I write these things down, I don't want them to die in my heart, so I post them as statuses on FaceBook. And let me just say, I've been on a roll. This book I have been reading is filled with things, just strong convicting words. And I got a lot of attention on my statuses from that. Whether it was 'likes' or 'comments'. And, especially for me, it is so easy to get caught up in this pride. And I know that God has blessed me with Wisdom. But I start getting into this mindset, that this Wisdom is mine. Its not, its God's. And then I begin to hear people tell me about how the things I say are so great, and then I hear them quote me. To be straight up, it feels great!! But, then I get into that mindset, and its hard to step out.

I also face another enemy day to day. Pursuing relationships. I mean, for anyone who knows me, they know that I am really big into "Emotional Purity". (Another post... haha, another day.) But I struggle day to day with the desire to pursue a relationship. Then it gets worse, when I am surrounded by a lot of really, really pretty girls.
To add on to my dilemma, I'm a chick magnet. Now, I know what you are thinking; "This kid just talked about pride, and now look at him!!" But sometimes that's how it comes across. When I am under the impression that several girls are interested in me. It makes my daily battle not to pursue... even worse. And it adds to pride.

And lastly, I have been facing a new enemy. Doubt. Don't get me wrong, I have struggled with doubt before, as anyone has. But never like this. Doubting the existence of God. I know it sounds stupid. Seriously it does. I literally think to myself: This is so stupid. It is Satan and my Flesh attacking me. And I hate it. I don't want to doubt God, I want to wholeheartedly cling to Him!!

And then there's Hell. Do I really believe in Hell?? I claim to. I could preach to you on it. I could wear the Book out showing your verses. I could walk the whole nine yards. But, I don't live with this "Hell Mentality." As if desperate that NO ONE goes to Hell. Would the death of a Sinner affect me more, or less, than a Christian's??? It should! I should tremble, and fall to my news crying for that person. But. I. Don't.

I need a desperation for God. I need a desperation for the Lost. I need an intense belief and urgency concerning Hell. I need, less of me, and More of God. Because all I do to myself is kill myself! God Heals Me.

Save me, Jesus save me. Save me from myself. From all my Dreams Come True.

Thanks for reading.

John Mark,