Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ephesians 3:14- 4:1-6;

Paul prayed for the Ephesians, praying that; God will grant that they be strengthened in Might through His Spirit in the inner man.

The inner man is the spirit of man, it is what makes us unique from all else of creation. I don't exactly know how to describe it, but when that Spirit, that man, or woman, is angered, roused, becomes passionate about something. It is an amazing thing, as long as it is in the bounds of what God commands. Have you ever seen someone on fire for God? Where He is their passion and desire?? They are amazing to see, and truly inspiring.

Christ dwelling in our hearts, ever present in our words and actions through faith. Christ in us. Is Christ in you? Truly living in you? Is your life evidence of that? We could be the only Bible that some people ever read.
So that when we are well grounded, solidly rooted in His word, we may know the Love of Christ.
And when we know this, when we are rooted, Paul prays that "they be filled with God."
I want to be filled with God, to give Him my all. To live for Christ all the way.
To God be the glory, our Great God who is able to do more than we could ever ask or think. According to the power that works in us.

That is interesting to me. According to the power that works in us. What if God means, that whatever we ask, we will only receive if His power is working in us? Something to think about...
So, does that power work in you?

I beseech you to walk worthy of the calling of which we are called. To be humble, patient, enduring in/with love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit of the bond of Peace.

First, walk worthy as to the name we bear. (CHRISTian.) Live as Christ so as to be Jesus to the world. And Paul listed attributes of living worthy.

We fight to keep peace because we are one Body. And we answer to one GOD.

And He is in us!

Thanks for reading,

John Mark,


  1. humble, patient, enduring in/with love,... that is something that i am learning through every day that i am taking care of my wonderful elderly mother, and it is truly a miraculous blessing that God does it for me... He keeps me humble, because i realize that one day it will be me being cared for by someone, and humility is necessary for all of us as we face life... and face it patiently, filled with the enduring love of God...
    the Bible is so on target for all of our needs

    thanks for writing... maybe someday you can put all of these posts together as a devotional... they are a real blessing and they make a lot of sense

  2. I would love to, perhaps I will, but I doubt it. I don't exactly know where God wants me to go with my life, so for now I write hoping to inspire someone else. I really suggest you look up Francis Chan, he is amazing!! I have watched him a bit on youtube, he is amazing.
