Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ephesians 4:17-24;

The new man. Before I start talking about the new man let me first give you a picture of the Old man.

Picture, a zombie, I'm serious. Rotting flesh, foul smells, bugs crawling through it. Remember, it doesn't fully decompose... is just... stinks. It walks around mumbling little groans that no one can understand. Just think about it, now on the side of the old man being dead in his sins, and how repulsive he would be... that's the best picture I can give. Now the conscious statement of them being dead, I can give two; Recall when God created man, He formed Adam from dust... At this point, Adam is just a pile of dirt. Now, imagine yourself going up to Adam and trying to witness to him... How is that going for you? The fact is, that until God breathes the breath of Life into Adam... Adam is just a pile. So is the same spiritual state of Adam... Until God opens Adams eyes to the truth... Adam is dirt. Example two; A drunk man, or a mentally unstable person. Someone that has no control over themselves and are lenient towards violence.

Now you have a picture of the Old man. So, what about the new man?
To put it simply, the exact opposite of the old dude. Paul tells the Ephesians not to act like the gentiles.
Paul tells them, that if they have heard Christ and have been taught by Him--or His teachings--then they should not live as the Gentiles. Sometimes, we cut Christianity a little short. No, as Christians we are to abstain from sexual relationships outside of marriage. But somehow, it is okay to say jokes like that and to watch movies and TV shows that contain a lot of that. How does that make sense?? And we do it with other things too. Paul says to put on the new man, which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. True righteousness and holiness. In that true righteousness and holiness, which is God, we should act like we are that new man. Sometimes it is hard to, and yeah, we'll stumble. But we have got to keep running. Got nothing else holding out for us but God, so we have to strive after Him, and to shine for Him.

Sorry, I don't have much for today.

Thanks for reading,

John Mark,

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