Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dear Church

Please excuse me if I come across judgmental in this post; it is because I am writing from the perspective of those outside the church.

Dear church, I'm looking at you from the outside in, because the way you act doesn't convince me that I would be welcomed in. And all the times I came to you visiting I was pushed aside as you would formed you little cliques. Some of you said hello, that's cool, but that was the extent of our relationship. I had always been told to come as I was and Jesus would accept me, so I came with what I had on but your Christians rejected me.

Dear church, I am baffled at your claims, you say that you're a family, but I walk away and see old ladies gossiping. So all of my pains, struggles, past and sin that I came to you to get help with, I'll keep my mouth shut cause my sister who is looking for love, you called a slut. It's like you can't see anything outside the walls of your building. And it's killing us because we are just hurting people looking for love. You are too busy raising your hands and "worshipping" to put them down and pick up the man off the streets. You're like that priest or Levite walking down the road and see some guy who's been beat and left to die, bleedin out, veins about to run dry, but you say sorry, I don't have time.

Dear church, you come across invincible, and it's insane cause you expect us to be indestructible when we meet your Jesus but we've had enough of you. Because we aren't indestructible or invincible, but we feel extremely invisible. Because you claim to have the love and purpose that has us searching an thirsting but we can't have it unless we come to be churchy, but we go to churches unloved and feeling unworthy. We're hurting.

Dear church, how can you expect us to think you will accept us when we are filled with sins, hurts and fears; when you won't accept us in your buildings when we rock jeans, a t-shirt and Nike gear.

So dear church, don't expect to find us who are lost in your brick temples where we feel lost, cause we aren't accepted as gangstas and goths. And if some of us have been abused, used, raped, or molested, we won't tell you cause we reject your message. Cause your message is not what we expected. Cause we expected healing power but instead you have ruling powers, living wealthy building babel's tower. Tryin to teach us that Jesus receives us if we trade our life to a culture of preachers. But that's not me so I guess I won't see ya. And I'll continue to let my life be ruled by the lies of media. Because even though it's not good the things they teach us, at least we don't feel like hell bound heathens.


The lost and dying of this world.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Dear John Mark,

    I apologize that you have been so hurt by, us, the church. Let me explain something about us. God has made us. God is the one that has brought us together as living stones, building us up as a house of faith. God has given each one of us a measure of faith; some have more; some have less. God has chosen not to have us be perfect people, so that some gossip and others are self-righteous. Another reason for this--is that God has ordained that the wheat will grow together along with the tares. Only at the end of the age will Christ separate the two--burning the tares in eternal hellfire and glorifying the wheat in the harvest of heaven. There will always be goats hiding in amongst the sheep--get use to it. Furthermore, the church is Christ's and it was made to glorify Him through good works and to gather the chosen of God from every nation and tongue. So either join Christ and hear His voice because you are His sheep. Or go out from us, proving that you are a goat, and your destiny is the burning of the tares in eternal hellfire.

    May God Grace Open Your Eyes to See,


  2. Chris, I actually am a Disciple of Christ'. I greatly respect and appreciate your thoughts. But keep in mind, this was written from the viewpoint of those outside the church. Much of what I have written is direct quotes.
    The intention of this isn't to slander the church persay. Rather to let the Church know our reputation among unbelievers.

    I am so grateful that I can say, that Grace has granted me eyes to see. I am hoping to open the eyes of others. But I also must give the outcasts a voice, to let them know that they are heard by us, that we know that they are hurt. And so that they know, there is a remnant who loves and cares for them deeply.

    John Mark,

  3. John Mark,

    You say your eyes see, but you are blind. The church is Christ; what you say against the Church you say against Christ. You are blind to the justice of God. The Scripture says God hates. He "visits the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation." He avenges His glory and Name by "repaying those who hate him." (Deut. 32:43) God "shall arise and scatter his enemies" (Psalm 68:1). God chooses to "prepare" people for blood and to have "blood pursue" them (Ezek. 35:6). God gives over whole cities to destruction because he hates them (Amos 6:8). Your eyes are blind because you see not that God hates some people, as the LORD declares, "Esau I hated so I laid waste his hill country and left his heritage to jackals of the desert.” If Edom says, “We are shattered but we will rebuild the ruins,” the Lord of hosts says, “They may build, but I will tear down, and they will be called ‘the wicked country,’ and ‘the people with whom the Lord is angry forever.’" (Malachi 1:3).

    John Mark, the ring of this blog post is weakness. It shows that you have been blinded by the feminism of this age. The evangelical church has painted God as flowery and all-loving. You have emasculated God in this blog post. Repent of it! It is evil to speak as if you were a lost one! Lest God also bring his wrath upon you as he does Esau who he will hate forever. Your gospel message is spineless in this generation if you only talk of the love of God and omit the great kingly Sovereign wrath of God, who hates evil and some evil people forever. The only safe-haven for wicked lost people is Jesus Christ. Run, Run, lost one to Jesus the King who alone can wrap you in protective asbestos to give you life from His fiery wrath. "KISS THE SON OF GOD! Lest Jesus be ANGRY! And you perish because his wrath is quickly kindled against you! Blessed is every man who takes refuge in Him" (Psalm 2:12).

  4. 1 Corinthians 13:1-3.

    If we do not love. We are nothing.
    Yes. God has the capability to hate people. But who are we to decide who God condemns and who He has elected? As a follower of Christ I will love the unlovely. I will stand for the lost, just like Christ did (John 8).
    Anyone can follow the law of God to perfection but that means nothing, "it would have been better for you to have neglected the former and to still love." (Matthew 23).

    God is Holy. He is just. But He is abundantly gracious. Romans 5 says that He died for His enemies, not His friends.

  5. John Mark,

    You make a grave mistake in your gospel, which I so boldly declare as false on this one point. God truly did die for His enemies "while we were yet sinners, God died for us" (Rom 5); but your error is in answering this question: Did God die for ALL of His enemies? Or did he die only for His enemies which he had given to the Son. The Scriptures answer this question directly from many places, but especially in John 6...we start there:

    35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. 36 But I said to you that you have seen me and yet do not believe. 37 All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. 38 For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. 39 And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. 40 For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”

    In this first section we see that there is a particular group that the Father has given the Son. And that group which is given to the Son, not even one will be lost. Every single one of that group will be saved. Back to the text....

    41 So the Jews grumbled about him, because he said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.” 42 They said, “Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How does he now say, ‘I have come down from heaven’?” 43 Jesus answered them, “Do not grumble among yourselves. 44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day. 45 It is written in the Prophets, ‘And they will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me— 46 not that anyone has seen the Father except he who is from God; he has seen the Father.

    In this section we learn that the reason that this select group given to the Son all universally come to Him is because the Father draws them. We know that the Father does not draw everyone, only those who are given to the Son. How do we know this? Because we keep reading the text...let us start at verse 62...

    62 Then what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? 63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. 64 But there are some of you who do not believe.” (For Jesus knew from the beginning who those were who did not believe, and who it was who would betray him.) 65 And he said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.”

    In this section we are explicitly told that the reason why Jesus said that not all are able to come to Him and believe because it has not been granted from the Father that all men everywhere should come! WOW! Only those given to the Son will come. Verse 62-63 really highlights that by showing that even if these people see with their own eyes the ascending of the Son into the heavens, they STILL would not believe! Why? because the "flesh is no help at all" and "the Father has not granted." Wow! What a different gospel than yours, Dear John Mark. Jesus speaks very differently from you. Jesus never talked to His body as if he were a lost person; no he says, I am the Bread of Life come to me...and if you do not come, then my Father has not granted you to come! What a gospel!..............

  6. ...................John Mark, with love, I ask you to study deeper on this issue. Here are some resources: this is the most difficult one, but it is the most valuable: It is called: "The Death of Death in the Death of Christ" by John Owen. Here is a link to it:

    Also consider this resource that explains the gospel in five points with Scripture throughout in Section II of the work; this is by Lorraine Boettner, a Reformation Baptist:

    Grace be with you my friend,


  7. Chris, I was not doubting the wrath of God or the existence of hell. I think you totally misread my post. It is addressing the church on our mistake of being unloving. I am in agreement with predestination in salvation (Romans 9). But I was not addressing that topic. I was addressing a church that has lost the love that identifies us. John 13.

  8. John Mark,

    NO Sir, you have mis-read my comment, for I was not accusing you of doubting the wrath of God and the existence of hell. No, rather I am accusing you of believing that Christ died for every man everywhere. Your error is believing that God has a special love for every man. Christ loves his Bride, the church, like I love my wife. It is special. I love all women. But I only love my wife in a special way. Christ died to take away only the sins of His sheep, His church--those enemies who he would make His friends. Christ loves all people generally. But he loves his Bride especially. And that special love is the death he died to take away sins and appease the wrath of God. The rejection of Christ's DEFINITE Atonement is what I am accusing you of. For if you believe that Christ died for every person everywhere, then you are believing that he merely died to offer forgiveness. But the Bible says that the death of Christ ACTUALLY definitely takes away all sins and appeases the wrath of God for all whom Christ died. "I will lose none of which the Father has given me"--Jesus. Read John Owen's "Death of Death in the Death of Christ" or Boettner's Section II of his book and then we can talk some more.

    Grace be with your eyes,


  9. Chris. Once again. I am in agreement with you. Few will be saved. I agree.

    But who are we to choose who those are? My entire point is that the church is unloving. The church is supposed to be a hospital for hurting people. A beacon of hope in the darkness. Instead it is a picture of judgement and oppression where the lost are not loved, rather judged and condemned to hell by the "Christians" who have no real power in their condemnation.

    I am in agreement that some will feel God's wrath. Romans 9. But I am not the judge of who those people are. My job is to love all people. Especially the hurting and hopeless. Like Jesus did.
