Thursday, October 21, 2010

Romans 12:2

Romans 12:2 is a really cool verse. If you don't know it by heart this is what is says;
"And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

This has kind of been my war cry lately. You probably already know this, but we are in the midst of a war. A big war. It has been going on since the beginning of the world. For all I know, possibly longer. It is a Spiritual war. Humans were first introduced to this war with Adam and Eve. But we fight it now, the fight between good and evil. The fight of the demons and the Angels. Over the souls of men. It is such a war that if I got a 2 second glance at it I would probably run crying. This is the war we fight day to day.

But maybe you didn't know this, we are given weapons to fight back. We have two major weapons in this war. Bible and Prayer.

The Bible; In the verse that I titled this post, it says to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Believe it or not renewing your mind is a tad simpler than I once thought. It is just reading your Bible. A quiet study of God's word where He speaks to you through the Bible. When you read the Bible with the intention of studying it you renew your mind. If you do a constant study every day maybe you feel a bit of a drudge to it. As is you are reading it but nothing speaks to you. Well, are you looking? When you read your Bible do you have a pen and notebook to write down things that interest you? That confuse you? Or maybe it makes you smile. Write it down, write down what God says to you. Use a notebook as a journal. Documenting your conversations with God. Just look for stuff. If you want a suggestion for a strong reading, study Romans or Acts. Both wonderful books! After that start reading all of Paul's letters. Equip your mind with the knowledge of our Lord. If you look back at when Jesus was tempted, how did He fight Satan? He just quoted scripture. So, pick up your sword and sharpen yourself!!

Prayer; If the Bible is your weapon than prayer is you armor. The things that protect you. Prayer has the power to do anything! As long as what you ask for is meant for the glory of God. But God looks at you and He sees your needs. And He wants so badly to provide for you, so ask. Even though He knows everything you say before you say it, tell Him anyway. For those of you who are married, tell me. If you spoke to your spouse as much as you speak to God, would you be married?

Just a few things to consider, if you have any questions let me know! I would love to try and answer them to the best of my ability. And if you have a topic you want me to speak about then let me know, I would love to try and do my best!

Thanks for reading!

John Mark,


  1. did you write this?
    it is very good... very insightful and mature!

  2. Thank you! And yes, I did write this. This is what this entire blog is for! I will be trying to write something like this every week!

  3. Awesome!
    I have a notebook like that... so many verses I read that make me smile or make me think...
    There's something else I do, though... I write a letter to GOD... I love writing letters... I ask Him to help me remember the verse, then I write stuff about the verse. Then I read the letter out loud... It's so incredible and it helps me like crazy.
    Read Isaiah 55. I love it dearly. It's in my notebook. The entire chapter is incredible.

  4. i am going to share this with my grandkids
    because i know this will help them

    and me... i can use this in my life too!
    never too old to learn something good... so thanks guys for sharing!
