Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Call:

On July 8, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was read aloud for the first time in public. And after it was read, there was a riot in the streets, the people wanted to let the British know; “We shall not be trampled on anymore.”
As I think about that, I think about one thing; Declaration of Independence. As I think of this, that phrase is both spot on, and dead wrong. How? Well, one word; Independence. As Christians, the Bible is the greatest declaration of Independence, and Dependence. We are made Independent of Sin, but are shown how dependent of God we have always been. Yet that is not really comforting, think about it. After a document was read, the crowds started a ruckus, yet, when the Bible is read, the closest thing we say to that is; Amen. Why is that?
As Christians, we are all called to witness, not just a few of us. Jesus didn’t say; “Hey, if you feel called, or feel like you would be good at it, then, and only then go.”
On the Contrary; Matthew 28:19-20;
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.”

Mark 16:15;
“And He said to them. ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.’ ”
It is a command, not a request.

You know what I wish I would see one day? For church to get out, and instead of people saying in hushed tones whatever they say. That the church runs out of the building, shouting to word of God, and preaching His Word. Chances are though, that isn’t going to happen. So, instead, why don’t we start with something, something small at least.

In Romans 1:14-15, Paul talked about being in debt to Gentiles—Unbelievers—because he had a salvation that he owed to them to share. (Thanks to David Platt and his book Radical for pointing this out. It is a really good book.) We are all in debt then. I dare you to try something next time you are in a really crowded building, like a restaurant, school, the mall, so on. I want you to look at everyone in there that to the best of your knowledge has never made a profession of faith, and imagine these words on their heads; “Going to Hell.”
Now, I do not mean for you to judge them, but instead, for you to realize how many people you are surrounded by that you could witness to, but that you don’t always. As a fact, we have no idea when our last breath is, we are not guaranteed the next second. But you see, for the lost, they have less then we do. We have salvation, and they don’t. Who are we to pick and choose who’s to come? Jesus paid much too high a price for us to dare do that. (That is a quote from Casting Crown’s song, If We Are The Body.)

Now you may say that you are not eligible, for many reasons. You may think you are too young, well, I say, “Get over that!”
If you look at it biblically, all of the disciples except Peter were in their teens. Because you only had to pay the Temple Tax when you reached 20 years of age, I may be a few years off, but I am pretty sure that is the right age.
When David killed Goliath, he could have been anywhere from 10 to 15.
King Josiah became King of Israel when he was 8, and began leading the country how God wanted when he was 16.
I don’t know how old Jeremiah was exactly but he was a youth, and guess what! He had the guts to say that to God’s face!

Jeremiah 1:6-9:
“Then said I:
‘Ah, Lord GOD!
Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth!’
But the LORD said to me: ‘do not say, ’I am a youth,’
For you shall go to all whom I send you,
And whatever I command you, you shall speak,
Do not be afraid of their faces,
For I am with you to deliver you,’
Says the LORD.”

Maybe you think that you have fallen to far from God to do anything, well think about this; Rahab was a prostitute, she is in the Blood line of Christ. (Matthew 1:5)
Isaiah had a sailor’s mouth. (Isaiah 6:5)
King David was an Adulterer.
Matthew, also called Levi, the Disciple, was a thief, a tax collector. (Matthew 9:9, Mark 2:14, Luke 5:27.)
Moses killed a man. (Exodus 2:12,)
Eve committed the first sin, yet was the mother of all mankind. (Genesis 3:6,)
And Adam didn’t even try to stop her! He stood right next to her, and then when given the choice to fall as she had done before him, or to stay with God, he chose Eve. (Genesis 3:6,)

Maybe you feel like, you don’t know where God wants you yet.
Well, I dare you to be like Paul. If you notice, Paul said that he had a thorn in his flesh, yet he didn’t stop. Instead of waiting for God to take that away, he kept trying to open doors himself, and trusting that God would help him. And look at the impact he has made!!
So go therefore, and speak the gospel to all nations. This is not a call that God gave to a certain few, He has called everyone.

So, let's start a riot!

Thanks for reading,

John Mark,

1 comment:

  1. well put!

    we need to think of ourselves as indebted to others...

    why do we keep good news to ourselves? maybe we don't realize how hungry people are for the words of hope and of life... if we did, we would realize it is wrong to not share with those in need...

    remember the 4 lepers, (2nd Kings 7:8,9) who found food in the enemy camp when the enemy had abandoned it... they knew that their city was under siege and the people were starving... and they said to each other, woe be to us if we keep this good news to ourselves, and they went and told it in the city

    people who care
    are people who share
