Thursday, November 4, 2010

What is Prayer?

Now, before you get offended at the video, read what this guy has to say in defense for people attacking him claiming that; "He is making fun of prayer."

"This is going to be a bit of a read, but religious or non-religious, I think we all can take something away from it.
Since I released Pre-Blessed Food there’s been a lot of debate about what I was implying through the video. Some people seem to think I was suggesting that prayer and faith in general are a waste of time. Others thought I was simply sharing my perspective on people who claim to have faith but don’t act like it. I even saw some taking the video way out of context and using it as ammo against other people and their beliefs. As someone rooted in their faith and someone who believes that thanking God for the food that you have is an act of gratitude and humility, it’s important to me that I set the record straight.
In response to an email from a concerned viewer this week, I wrote:
“Some of my videos have subtle messages and/or morals in them – though they may be discreet, they’re there. I enjoy leaving it up to the viewer to discover those for themselves. In that light, I hope you can understand that Pre-Blessed Food isn’t poking fun at prayer at all. Instead, it’s pointing out that thing in us that would like to trivialize it from time to time. I think we’ve all, at one point or another, rushed through a prayer when we’re short on time. In my mind, Pre-Blessed Food shows how ridiculous that is without sounding judgmental or preachy. If you’re going to admit prayer is important, make it important.”
If Pre-Blessed Food were a real product, the people who bought it would be admitting that prayer is important, but not important enough to actually do it themselves. And although this is an extreme example, we do this. We do it with our faith, we do it with our relationships, we do it with our own lives. We do this because it’s easier, it’s quicker, and because we’re often distracted by something else.
(UPDATE: A few of you have said that you noticed the video poking fun at the commercialization of religion and faith as well. That was intentional – I think it’s dumb how people today will put a label on anything and try to sell it. It makes me laugh.)
If this rings true with anyone else besides me, share your thoughts below. What are some important things that you’ve skipped out on recently instead of taking the time to appreciate them? Who? What? Why?
If you know of anyone who misunderstood the context of the video, I encourage you to share this with them. Thanks for hearing me out, guys."

Sadly, he is right. We not only commercialize these things, but we disregard what they are completely! What is prayer? Prayer is like a direct phone line, with no dead zones, AMAZING rates, and it specializes in physically long distance calls! Not to mention, it's all free! But it is more than that!
Prayer is a conversation with God! Or at least...that is what it is meant to be. Think about it, when was the last time you heard God speak? Who's fault is this? YOU! If you are talking to your best friend, do you seriously talk like this;

"Hey Ed, how is it going? Well, I have something heavy on my heart, you know what it is. So, take care of it will ya? Alright, bye."

No, of course you don't. In fact, overall, each conversation I have ever had, is in some way or another unique. But what about with God? We look at prayer like it is a tedious chore. No, it is a blessing! Prayer, and the Bible, are like two hands, they lock together perfectly.

No, do I believe that God can speak to you in more than one way? More than just the Bible? Absolutely, but the Bible is God's Word. (John 1:1) The Bible is your direct phone line to God.

But God is more than a friend, or should be. God wants to be close to you, that is why Jesus came.

Let's look at this in another light, the church is to be the Bride of Jesus. (I believe the wedding is described in the book of Revelations.) Tell me then, whenever you meet someone, (considering people my age, casual dating is the casual thing, so this is based mostly towards that age, but indeed can be adapted.) you want to spend every moment you possibly can speaking to them! And when you are on the phone or something, and they say goodbye, your heart seemingly sinks.

But what about God? Is it not more so with Him? He has the greatest love ever, imagine how He feels when you say bye, and don't even listen to Him.
And what about you? Do you truly love God? I am not trying to judge, but from a story writer's point of view, love is more than we make it to be.
For one, you cannot love someone you do not care about, and it is hard to care about someone you don't know.
Now you may say, "Dude, I know God."
But do you? Or do you know about Him? The only way to truly KNOW someone, is to spend time with them, that is when care for the other is brought into the scene, as is love later, sometimes.
Prayer is more than just a ritual, and the Bible is more than a book with wise words.

Prayer is God's prepaid for eternity phone line, only meant for YOU! So, why not call God tonight, and just cry out your concerns to Him. Just talk to Him.

The Bible, it is so amazing! It is no simple book, it is God's love letter to you! Imagine that, His love letter, to you.

So tonight, go somewhere alone, maybe outside surrounded by all of creation. Or in a corner in your room. And just let everything out! All your worries, you pain, your fears, your hopes, your dreams. Everything, He already knows, but He wants to hear it. He wants you to humble yourself--2 Chronicles 7:14--and let go of your pride, admit the things that haunt you most. Just pray to Him, and then just listen. Whether sitting in silence, or just going right ahead and reading His word. Just spend some time with Him, just as you long to speak to one that you may have feelings for, God does too. Except with God, times your desire to speak to that person by the highest number possible, and guess what! It doesn't make a dent on how God is.

Thanks for reading!

John Mark,


  1. You are welcome, but if you think this one was good, just wait until you see next week's! I am looking forward to writing it!

  2. keep writing
    we will keep reading!

