Wednesday, September 21, 2011

And love is... what exactly??

I can imagine someone asking that 2000 or so years ago before Christ came to earth. What is love? Is it this odd set of butterflies? What is it? Christ came to show Love. Not the world's idea of love.

Nearly a year ago, I chose not to pursue a relationship, with any girl outside of Friendship, until I felt I was old enough to consider marriage. I had several reasons for this, Emotional Purity, wanting to take time to get closer to God without yet another distraction, and because when I look at someone and say: I Love You. I want it to be real. I want to mean it. I want to know what I mean, and not fall back from it. I want to know what Love truly is.

Paul told the Corinthian Church that:

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

I see several relationships around me all the time, come and go. I see them rise and fall. They are not unlike Old Testament Kingdoms. Initially filled with so much promise! But this people know not what they are doing, nor the meaning of what they claim. So they crumble, as a spectacle for the multitudes to see. It is so sad. And more of a reason for me to stay away.

In my house, there is a joke, that I am a "Relationship killer." Because I have had some people come up to me, and ask me for my opinion on their relationship, and the situation they are in. And I tell them honestly, most times, my opinion is for them to back out. And several have.
I am known at my Church, to all of the younger girls, for telling them that they should not get into a relationship if they are not in one. And if they are, they shouldn't be.

It's not that I want to ruin peoples relationships. Or make them unhappy. Or anything of the sort. Quite the opposite. Because in this world, where "Love: is as frequent as McDonalds, I see the people hurt by these things. (Not unlike the affects of McDonalds on your system... but that's a whole other story.)
I see girls, running to men for affection that they feel robbed of. Looking for love, in this world where love is distorted. I see relationships ruined, because one day, this couple are best friends, and the next day, week, or how ever long, never speak much a word again!

No, I don't want to ruin peoples lives. I just want a few simple things.
I want to know, what Love is.
I want to live, what Love is.
I want to see, what Love is, in the lives around me.
I want to show, what Love is, to those who are searching.

What is Love then? Still a struggle I have. I wonder what it is. I rarely believe anyone, when they say that they love someone. Especially after the relationship ends. Because, Love NEVER Fails. Failure, and Love, never met each other.

I have noticed that all of the attributes of Love are much the same as the Fruits of The Spirit. So, it seems to me, that true love, is found in God alone. It is in God's example. Christ.

What did this Man do?? This Man, Served, selflessly. This Man, Gave Himself, holding nothing back for Himself; Except His prize... which was His Love. This Man, was Patient, when His own followers, like children, argued among themselves, asking "who will be greatest??" This Man, was Kind and Caring, when a woman hated by society was brought before Him, and was said to be deserving of death. This Man, Spoke Truth, and Truth alone. Even when people didn't like it. He Spoke only Truth. Truth of the better things to come. This Man, never made someone smaller than Himself. Rather, He made Himself the smallest. This Man Healed the hurting. This Man Did Not Want FAME from this world. But instead would make Himself hated so that I could know that I am loved. This Man, Protected His loved ones, when the Pharisees came with a mob to arrest Him, telling them to leave His followers alone. In the times where I have been attacked, He has protected. This Man, Forgave me when I was unwilling to forgive myself.

So what is Love? God is Love. And to truly Love, one must be as Christ was.

Love Never Fails.

I would ask of you one thing, do not say this word love to another, unless you are willing to take on full responsibility of what it means, keep this word Sacred.

Thanks for Reading.

John Mark,


  1. i completely agree with this post, and i like the part about how love never fails, so if it's real love then it wouldn't ever end. very cool!
