Wednesday, March 7, 2012


You have, or may not have seen the video that is trending World Wide, Kony2012. If not, you need to google it and get informed. It is a great documentary on a serious issue, Joseph Kony, and his war crimes. The video is a well filmed, and professionally put together. It lasts about thirty minutes long, and drives home a strong point.

If you are anything like me, the video immediately made you want to join the movement, order the kit, wear the bracelet proudly, and litter society with the posters.
If you are anything like me, you wanted to get a gun and fight Kony yourself.

If you are anything like me, you crave for a movement.

You see, I have been noticing lately, how much teenagers, and college students want a movement. How much they want something bigger than themselves to fight for. Why do you think the military is so compelling? There has been many times I have been ready to enlist.

You know, I wish Christianity was like this. I mean, yeah, we are a movement, but... we're not... moving...
I mean, do you ever see Youth so caught up in telling people about Jesus? Not too much. Teenagers need people to pour into their lives, tell them that they can make a difference, change the world, and revolutionize history. After that, they just need direction. I mean, watch the video! That's the entirety of the message!
I strongly encourage you, if you are an adult, to pour into the lives of the Youth Group at your local fellowship. And direct them in how to change lives. Give them the opportunity, tell them how they can!
If you are a Teenager or College Student, you can! Even if you only change the eternity of one life, it is worth it! I challenge you, go! Change lives! Have people stand against you! Hate you! Some will love you! Change the world, be, Great!

If you are anything like me, you also wanted Kony dead... and then you thought about it and regretted that thought. This is only happening because the lack of the Gospel in this region. I ask you to do whatever it takes to reach these people with the Gospel. This should be our heart and burden, to reach an unreached people. Go. Please.

Thanks for reading,


A Desperate, burdened, Heart.

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