Sunday, June 10, 2012

Satisfied in Him

I have heard something my whole life that is absolutely crazy. That everyone has that special someone that they are supposed to marry. I have been told this in so many different ways. TV, Movies, Music, Family, Friends, Church even. And it's crazy cause... I am not too sure that it's true.
What about all those children who's parents aborted them? They never got married.
What about those who live longer, yet die in a freak accident? They never got married.

I read a book awhile back, it was a Biography of Corrie Ten Boom. And one thing that caught me, is that she never got married. She was so content and satisfied in God, and living for Him, that she didn't need it.
Paul was the same way. Paul even went as far to say that, we shouldn't strive to be married. But rather strive to get the gospel to the world, and not to worry about marriage. He didn't say it was a sin to be married. Just that one may be more effective if they didn't marry.

So, what if God doesn't have it planned for all of us to be married? What if God planned for you not to be married?

I know, it sounds insane. But what if we aren't supposed to be so wrapped up and focused on that? What if our entire focus is supposed to be on this mission of giving people the Gospel, and nothing else?

And this is a struggle for me. Because one of my greatest desires is to get married. To have my own family. (I'm a hopeless romantic.) But what if I am not supposed to be married?

More so. My life, isn't going to be easy. Where I dream of going, isn't the typical dream. I want to live amongst poverty stricken people. I want to be beaten. I want to live where I may be persecuted for Christ. I do not say this to brag on myself. But how could I possibly even begin to ask someone to live that life with me? No one in their right mind would want to.
Let's face it, in the words of a friend of mine, Raw Love for Jesus isn't sexy. Just read through the book of Acts. Jesus freaks. The type of guys you see constantly quoting Scripture. Not just that, they were beaten left and right. They probably weren't the most attractive of men.
According to what the world calls attractive, Scripture quoting Jesus Freaks that were constantly getting beat up, isn't good looking. 
What if we are supposed to be so satisfied in God that we don't need a spouse? What if we are supposed to be so focused on this mission that has been handed to us, that we don't need to focus on relationships so much? What if not all of us are meant to get married? One of my greatest desires in this life is to get married. I want my own family. But here and now I am telling you that I am so in love with Jesus, so satisfied with Him, that I don't need it. And to the best of my ability I will no longer chase anything else. Jesus is my master. I am His slave. And His desires are now mine. So even if this means I never marry, so be it! Though I would prefer otherwise. I will joyfully praise God and accept that as a gift of He chooses that path for me. I wear my chains proudly. I am bound to Christ. Holy is He.

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