Saturday, June 9, 2012

To All The Ladies:

I hate going in public. I seriously do. It's heart breaking. To see the measure of what we have embraced. Events Christians. I hate seeing girls who are hurting but are doing well to hide their hurt; I see straight through it. They are searching so desperately for someone to fill this void they have, that is begging for love. And it gets worse! Because girls now are having this ideology shoved down their throats that they have to be "flawless" and willing to sleep with a guy, in order to be loved. I see girls, everywhere, who I can see that they have had a guy mistreat them. Whether it is an absent/irresponsible father, or a guy who manipulated and used them for his own lust. And it gets worse still. Women. Most of you are bowing down to this worldly standard. It shows by the way you act towards guys, the way you dress, and the words you say. I see girls all the time being incredibly flirtatious to guys. Being crazy not because it's their personality. But because they are looking for the love and attention. Which many times is something that a father in their life failed to supply. I see girls who strive to be attractive. Striving for a worldly standard of beauty. They are constantly convinced that they are not beautiful. And they will go to crazy lengths for affirmation of some sort, even wearing stuff that shows too much. There are a million different ways in which I can see the state of hurt in a girl. But the one that shocks me the most? When a girl says a sexual joke. It's sickening. Because I know that guys who say such jokes have their minds constantly on sex. How do I know? I used to be that guy. And it's so crazy degrading to women. It is literally making them an object to be used for momentary thrills. Where as women are treasures. Meant to help men. Not meant to be used by men. And so when I hear a girl say a sexual joke. My heart breaks. Because she's now degrading herself. She is then bowing to that low standard given to women. And making herself a tool for men to selfishly use. Women. You are more. You are more. Any guy that says sexual jokes. Doesn't deserve you. Because honestly, if he is saying that stuff, he is probably addicted to porn, and probably only interested in your body, and probably will stop "loving" you sometime after he's gotten what he wants. Women. You are more. You are so much more! You don't need to be so crazy to be loved. You are loved! So infinitely more than any guy could supply. We are only men. Do you not remember that it was a man who failed to fight when his woman was attacked by Satan? So don't expect us to fix you. We can't! You don't have to fight for attention. Please don't. Be you. God made you the you that you are for a reason. Because that you is beautiful. And that you is beautiful, because God made you so. You don't have to dress up. Or dress down. Or whatever. You don't even need makeup to be beautiful. Goodness girl, you're made in the image of the beauty of a Holy God! And women. You don't have to bow to that standard. Believe it or not. There are some guys who could care less about your body. Who care about your heart more than anything. They will not ask you to do anything that would degrade you. Because they respect you. Because they see you as a treasure, not a tool. I know a couple guys like that. Who have literally told me, that they wished girls didn't wear makeup all the time. Because they want them to be them. There are guys like that. And one day. I hope to love God like they do. Good guys still exist. Jesus Loves You. And He Alone Can Heal Your Hurt. He Alone Can Love You Right. So Chase Him Alone.

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