Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hate sin, but eat Chicken.

I know, the Title is silly, but just watch the video below and you will get it.

You see, over the past couple weeks I have been really convicted at the Idea of Hating Sin. I mean, what does it mean to hate sin exactly? Why should we? Is it necessary?

I really got thinking about it as I was talking to a friend, and they started telling me, about how much they hate sin. And I was like, "Wow, that's impressive." And then, I began to ask myself, if I really, truly, hated sin. And the honest answer? Probably not. I mean sure, I hate the feeling of guilt, and knowing that I failed God. I hate that. But if I truly do hate sin, then I wouldn't give it any outlet to survive in my life.

I just really pondered this today. I contemplated what my friend had said. And then I decided to write a lil' something about it. Probably the biggest area in my life that I struggle is lust.
(1 John 1:9, this is my reason for being honest concerning sin.)
But Lust is mostly, if not entirely, thought life.
But you know who controls your thought life? No. Not you. Nah, not Satan. No, Jesus gives us freewill. (And with that freewill, we must take the responsibility for our wrongs.)
All great guesses, but not right, specifically. Media controls our thoughts. Seriously, what you watch on TV, is what you think about.
Let me give you some examples:

My favorite TV show right now, is Psych. It is about this guy, that claims to be Psychic; but in truth is just really perceptive and observant.
My favorite Movie, is Sherlock Holmes. I don't need to explain that one.
And because of these two, I have lately been trying to be as perceptive and observant as possible. I got into a store, and I try to follow ppl, (mostly ppl I know...) without them knowing I am doing that.

Now sure, this could just be a personality quirk. But, let me take it a bit farther:
If I watch a TV show, or movie, or listen to a song, that has an explicit joke, comment, or anything suggestive, then to be perfectly up front, my mind stays on that for some time. And to continue listening to, or watching anything like that, is to give sin an outlet into my mind. And if I do this, then obviously, I don't hate sin.

I was reading Philippians today, and in chapter 4, verses 8, it talks about what we should put our minds on. What ever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

But do we think about what is true? Noble? Right? PURE? Lovely? Admirable? The things of Excellence? Or those that are worthy of Praise? We should!

In Proverbs 3:7 it says to Fear God, and shun evil.... I think God is trying to say something...

So, my goal is to take the appropriate steps towards hating sin.

My main approach? Lining everything I do, say, hear, or watch, with God. Proverbs 3:6 says to acknowledge God in all your ways. So that's my goal.

I hope you find something in this. Thank you for reading.

Live for God, don't glory in yourself.

John Mark,

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