Monday, December 19, 2011


I have been thinking about Culture lately.

What is Culture exactly? Well, simply. Culture is the way of life among a group of people.

But how does Culture affect me?

Before I go deeper into that question, let me chase a rabbit. But in chasing this rabbit I will tell you how I came to this question. But before I chase this rabbit, let me say first that, what I am about to go into is not for the purpose of pride on my part. Not to praise myself, but instead to praise God, my Father. And that you may possibly read this and learn something. And even be inspired to gather your own stories.

This is the Story:

For several months now I have been burdened with this great sense of, uselessness. (Refer back to my earlier post No longer Pointless.)
I would read my Bible as it spoke about the Disciples taking action, and serving, and it scared me. The conclusions that I gathered as I thought more and more about these things. The more I thought the more I was convicted, and frightened. Then I would listen to Lyrics of songs, (Primarily by Lecrae) and I was ashamed of the claims that they made, the ones that I don't live up to.

So, as I got thinking more and more about this, I decided to call in a friend. As we got talking about it, we found out that we were thinking the same things. Literally, the same exact thoughts. So under conviction, urgency, we set forth a plan. But in our plan, we hit a barrier, a pretty big one. A cultural barrier. We went into the rough neighborhoods of our town to talk about Jesus. But how do two white guys, relate to a mostly African American population?
I have no idea. But we spent about an hour talking about what we learned. And formulated another plan.

But you see, Culture is a factor in all witnessing. And witnessing is what we are called to. But we just have to learn to bridge the gaps. These barriers that we face in getting this message out, may be fairly large barriers, but Christ is greater than them.
We just have to address the urgency of this calling, we must answer, we must go!

I read Luke 5:30-32, I think about it. And I am convinced that we should be out into a rough crowd full of poor people rather than in a luxurious church with relatively rich people. Not that I think church is bad, but these people need to be reached.

Paul in 1 Corinthians 9 compared this life to a Marathon. Now, you may now know this, but in November I ran a Marathon. So I understand his comparison all too well.

But picture this, this life as a race and Christ is telling you to run! To go hard for the Lord! And all you have to do is trust Him, and move. But far too often we stand still. Why?? Because we are afraid, we are afraid to fall. But in our fear of falling, we don't realize something that is beyond important in this! That as along as we are running, if we fall, we still move forward. But we still are afraid to slip up, not realizing that in falling, we learn to trust God more. It makes us stronger.

People, we have got to go out! I can tell you in all truth, from experience, that a lack of service is the quickest way to kill both Passion and Faith. (James 2:17.)
It is for this reason that I stop asking people what God is doing in their lives. But rather, what is God doing through their lives.
Because it is all too easy a question to ask, what God is doing to change you. But it is so much different when asking, what is God doing through you that is changing others?

This urgency to go, if ignored, is cruelty to the highest form. Far worse than both Stalin and Hitler. Will you stand aside in silence? Or roar like a Warrior of The Most High God?

My mouth is moving, so let's get these feet moving too.

John Mark,

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