Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I don't really believe the Bible.

Don't get me wrong here. I believe the Bible. I just don't believe the Bible.

Let me explain. Yes. I do. I do believe the Bible. I claim it and I thoroughly buy everything it says. But I don't believe it in the sense that, I don't believe it to the point of taking it literally and live it out. I've been told, that I am going the direction I need to. That He is using me. But I had a very humbling discussion today with a friend of mine.

I don't ask you to agree with I am about to say. I just beg of you, on your behalf; take an honest look at yourself. Put everything in the table.

Let me ask you, do you want to die? If you do, is it be cause of the circumstances in your life?

I do. For that reason. I hate my life. I hate my life because of my sin. And because of my lack of Radical obedience to God's word. Who knows. Maybe you hate it because of things that are stressing you out. Or maybe for the sake reasons that I want to. Who knows.

But we shouldn't be like that! We should love this life. the only reason that we should dare ask God to take us away is for the purpose if living with Him for eternity. We should be like Paul in that, we should not know whether we wanted to die and see Christ, or live and see more come to Christ. Philippians 1:21-23.

Do you notice in this as well, that there is no question for Paul as to whether or not he will serve? Of course there wasn't a question! It was his life! Why isn't it ours? Why don't we go to the places we fear? Christ didn't bow to fear! No. Rather as a King, He destroyed it. We are co heirs with Christ! That means that we don't have to bow to fear because we only bow to our King! Because we are subject to One!

Do you truly wait anxiously, and on excitement for the return of Christ? Do you looked forward to it? I don't always. Because I am so focused with what I want! No. My desires are not bad. In fact I can back them with Scripture! But first and above all things. I follow Christ. Nothing else. Not my dad. Not the police. Not the president. I follow my KING. I live to make His Kingdom known! If we really have given this life to Christ, then it doesn't belong to us. I give myself entirely to God. He lives in me.

Give me Christ' Mission. I'm not afraid to die cause I'm already dead. I live only in Christ.

To the world I go. God, I beg You. Count me worthy to die brutally for You.

I believe this enough to die for it.

John Mark,


  1. this is so good, it's ridiculous.

  2. Thanks. It is just my heart right now.

  3. it's so deep... i mean, seriously. we would live completely differently if we really believed the bible. if we trusted God's word and feared God's word and had faith in God's word. everything would change. no one acts like they believe the bible, even when they say they do!

  4. I agree. But I've also got to start somewhere. It is too selfish not to. If I really believe in hell then this should be a no brainer.

  5. "if we did believe, we would be compelled to live the life Christ offers" ... I just heard this on the Daily Audio Bible...
    Have you ever heard it? It is a neat community, where we can hear a daily portion of the Bible and then listen to prayer requests so we can pray for others.

  6. No I haven't. But I that's awesome!
